A Writer’s Rhythm

by Ant Stone on August 20, 2011

in Features

I have a theory: that great writers, make dismal dancers. And the reason? It’s down to rhythm. Writers store it within, simmering like a hearty ragu, before releasing it in sentences to their obedient readers, whose eyes and minds tap along to the beat.

If you want to be a great travel blogger, it’s less about being a great traveller, and more about learning to channel your rhythm.

Imagine yourself as the most driven, focused, and competent rhythmic gymnast, commanding your pale ribbon through the tense air like a wisp of coloured smoke. One false move, and it’s a tangle of disappointment.

domatrice di nastri - ribbons tamer

Your readers will stumble awkwardly across the narrow beam of your sentence, and tumble helplessly into the blank surrounds, to the bitter echo of confusion.

There’s a balance, which all aspiring writers should learn to master.

Try too much, and risk entangling your readers in a stilted flow. Try too little, and risk releasing your readers’ attention via a flash of limp command.

Throughout our lives, our environment dictates our rhythm. Some writers crave pure silence, to be able to tune into themselves. While others — myself included — prefer to use music to neutralise a wayward rhythm.

For me, the music I choose is often without words, or in a foreign language. If I get to know the song too well, I start to sing along, and my rhythm melts into a thousand rivulets, poisoning my words and ways.

Next time you begin to write, take a moment to tune into your rhythm, and learn to give into it.

Am I talking codswallop? If you think so, go ahead and say so. Or perhaps something I’ve said has struck a chord? Lay it down, we could all learn something from you today.


One Blind Summit. After. Another.

March 31, 2011

Tapping these keys conjures up a mental image of a heavy-footed walker, shlepping his way through the misty English wilderness. One blind summit, after, another. You might wonder how I nailed such a mighty image, so early on in my opening paragraph. It’s because I’ve deleted more words than you will ever read in your […]

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The Time I Was in Tibet…

January 31, 2011

Don’t blink. What you’re about to see is Tibet, in full-fat Pummelvision*. Surprisingly, Tibet was one of the most calming regions I visited along The Trail, and memories of my time there are proving some of the most indelible of my life. I concede this is a big claim; and you should know, I am […]

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Where’s Your Paradise?

January 17, 2011

Paradise. It’s 2011, and with travel being so inexpensive, most of us have found paradise already, right? Its streaks of blue and white; sandy in all the right places and desperately empty. Its daubs of warm and balmy; soft on your ears, yet tangy on the tastebuds Walk with me, traveller. Pad slowly through paradise […]

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The Secret Shot

November 25, 2010

Hands up if you like surprises? Hands up if you like travelling? Hands up if you’ve got three hands? I’m constantly trying to inject creativity into TrailofAnts.com. I do it because I love the genre, and while I do receive some wonderfully humbling comments about my writing, I have also accepted that if I am […]

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Gallery: Trans-Mongolian Railway

November 17, 2010

I thought twice about showcasing today’s video montage. It features the world famous railway route, the Trans-Mongolian. Many people don’t realise, but the Trans-Siberian Railway is actually made up of a few different lines, of which the Trans-Mongolian is one. Other options include the Trans-Manchurian line, which slopes off to Beijing and the Trans-Mongolian line, […]

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“A Monotonous and Lonely Life”

November 11, 2010

I like most places of worship. I grew up in the shadows of spires, sprinting through the graveyard’s of England’s old cathedrals and churches. Since then, I’ve found meaning when meandering through Tibetan monasteries, marvelled at mighty mosques, and the spicy smells which pervade the world’s Hindu temples will never stop inspiring me. I’ve schlepped […]

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