The Reprint: ‘Boulevards of Blur’

by Ant Stone on October 29, 2008

in Reprint,Tibet

Yeah so I went from here to here, popped into here and swung by there before I took a train over there to catch a plane here. Sounds easy. Simple. A cinch? It’s not.

Your world map might be laid nicely on your horizontal kitchen table in your homely house of right angles, but if you’re travelling around the developing nations of our great globe then you’ll be a fool – a quintessential fool – to believe the journey between stations is a dull strand of mere miles.

There isn’t a traveller in the land that doesn’t have a tale of travelling woes (regale us in the comments); the day their bus lost a wheel and careered toward the hungry cliff edge; the day their rickshaw slammed into the wrinkled stumps of Ganesha; the day their motorbike hit the grit and they spiraled into a snobbish palm. Etcetera.

Tibetan Plateauuu

This week’s image aims to portray those long arduous days of bouncing over rugged terrain, being violated by the springs of your seat and assaulted by the ridges of the roof. I shot it purposely while journeying through the Himalayas in Tibet towards the incredible Mount Everest. The global trail of tarmac hasn’t yet been laid on the inner reaches of the Tibetan plateau, but rest assured it’s not-so-far away.

If your eyes are salivating from this tantalising taste of Tibet then follow this link to feast your eyes on more imagery from the unforgettable times and treats of my time on the ‘Roof of the World’.

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