The Reprint: ‘All in a Days Work’

by Ant Stone on January 28, 2009

in Reprint,Russia,Trans-Mongolian Railway

This weeks Reprint shows one of the beautiful entrepreneurs of the Trans-Mongolian railway. Many of the stations are located in seemingly forgotten corners of Siberia, so a string of cabins full of hungry punters is a splendid bonus.

A Days Work

The station stops triggered animated clips of harmless haggling. As the tourists boarded the train laden with fresh tomatoes, dry fish, ramen, pickles and beer the ladies took a seat and counted their winnings. There was no love loss between the geriatric girls; if she sells pickles, and you sell pickles, everyone’s in a pickle to know which pickle to pick.

I chose this image because I feel it captures the character of the lady brilliantly. You don’t have to have been there (buying her pickles) to cherish the moment.

Has this weeks Reprint image hit a cord? Let me know about it via the comments panel, or for more imagery from along The Trail take yourself over to the stills gallery.

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