Life of a Travel Blogger

by Ant Stone on February 21, 2009

in Australia

Tip tap tap. Read. Review. Refine. Tip tap tap. Read. Review. Refine. So the life of a blogging traveller goes. Endlessly scraping the travel-related news from the surface of their lives and smearing it into what some construe to be “incredibly inspiring”, while others conclude it to be “absolute bollocks!” and “so far from the truth!” they actually wonder if “the author has just conjured up the post from conversations with their mate’s ex-girlfriend, or combined the latest National Geographic with the 1984 Rupert Annual.”

Yes, blogging is well and truly established in this – right-click – world. I try and keep a healthy balance between the two; my greatest fear being I become one of those who writes about travelling simply by dragging their laptop through the borderlands. “I’m in Vietnam!” they say at 10:03 on Twitter. “I’m back in ‘Nam” they state at 10:05 on Facebook. “Vietnam is not what I expected” they complain on their blog at 11:53. “I’m in Vietnam and I reckon it’s pretty crap, what is there to do?” they comment at 14:22 on their virtual-friend’s travel blog. “Dear Nan, I’m leaving Vietnam” they concede at 16:41.

Chinese FanOk, so no one’s quite that extreme but there are certainly editors of cliché-riddled travel blogs out there that cannot, under any feasible circumstance actually be travelling in the true sense, or even I’m wondering have done any significant jaunts other than a family drag-away. However, I’m not going down that path because a). the travel-blogging community is largely proactive and b). I don’t particularly care what they do. They act more as a warning barrier for me; I’ve always been conscious that I should spend the majority of my time doing the thing I set out to do; travel round the world.

Today marks the 600th day since my departure from Blighty and I’m celebrating by refocusing my outlook. is a tremendous personal success. Sure, it isn’t doused in lights and I’m not recognised in the paddy fields by weary Chinese farmers but on a personal level, I can hold my head up and say I’m proud. Proud that my writing has captivated. Proud that my writing has inspired. Proud that my images are savoured.

However is far from resting on its laurels. Firstly I’ll be introducing some more informal, less intense posts about the psychology and practicalities of long-term travel. You’ll be finding these here, and if you’re an addict of the online communities you’ll be hearing a lot more from me on certain sites as well (I’ll pimp those at a more appropriate time). Secondly, there’s an über-exciting project in vaults of‘s headquarters. Naturally the release date will be at the mercy of my impending migration from a cozy house-share (complete with a cooker and WiFi) into a dented ute (complete with rusty barbecue and an as-yet-unpurchased tent) but without the distractions of modernity, and keeping true to my aforementioned belief I’ll unveil it before too long. Ray Mears eat your heart out.

Twat My Twitch UpFinally, in perhaps more shocking news, I recently succumbed to the social networking phenomenon that is I had resisted for a couple of years, but now and then you’ll find me tweeting, twittering and generally twatting around on there whenever nature’s WiFi allows. Go ahead and stalk me @trailofants.

Are you a travel blogger? Share your thoughts on how you balance your online and offline worlds. Are you new to Come in, take a seat and introduce yourself.

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